Saturday, November 10, 2007

Life is all about....

Well to begin with, I want to apologise for the title. It may sound a little too philosophical but trust me there is no 'gyan' attached to it.

I was at the movies with some of my friends a few weeks ago. As usual I was the first one to reach the theatre (hate being so punctual but cant help it) and was waiting for all the lazy bums to turn up. Sitting on the steps there it looked like as if I was escorting everyone, actually it was kind of funny but thats all right because I am pretty accustomed to embarrassing situations. I was busy watching all the people around me but I coudnt help but notice this one young couple in particular. They must have been around 18 or 19 years of age. After buying the tickets they wasted no time in PDA (public display of affection- you know what I mean). Adding to one of my embarrassing situations, I happen to get a pretty clear view of it. This so called PDA was getting a little too uncomfortable for me, but not for the pizza guy at the food counter or the sweeping boy. Although the man at the ticket counter remained unaffected (guess he's got used to it).

Finally after what seemed like an eternity my lazy friends turned up and we took our seats in the movie hall. I got into a conversation with my friend (usually gossip) before the screening. People started occupying the row in front of us but I was wishing the young couple was not one among them.

Minutes before the screening the lights went out and I saw an old couple walk into the hall. Both had greying hair and were in their 70's or 80's (Lets call them grandma and grandpa). Grandma looked very weak and she stopped near the isle as she couldn't see the steps ahead of her because the lights were already out. But grandpa seemed to be very energetic and he helped her climb the steps one by one very carefully holding her hand and constantly instructing her to follow his lead. For me they reflected the same spirit that Shah rukh and Kajol did, holding hands in that famous train scene of the movie DDLJ( for those who are wondering which scene I am taking about, here's the explanation-Shah rukh helps Kajol into the moving train, got it!). In that dimmed light I could see the expression on their faces (call it blushing if you want to but it was missing in the young couple). I really cannot explain the feeling but I had a wide smile on my face. Very slowly and carefully they made their way towards the row behind us. Adding to it grandpa also got pop corn for grandma which according to me was the sweetest thing to do...:-).

The boring movie finally came to an end and we started walking towards the exit. I was busy discussing the movie with my friend but I was also searching for the old couple, who seemed to have disappeared into the crowd. How I wished they occupied the row in front of us. On my way home, I was wondering what life is all about?... Is it all about spending the whole day with your best friend or your dear sister or brother or your favorite pet?. Is it going on a date with your boyfriend or girlfriend or taking out your 70 year old wife for a movie or having a simple talk on a park bench?. Is it about watching your six year olds invent their own games or attending your son's convocation or your daughter's fancy dress competition? I do not want to find the answers because I guess its all there right amongst us. We have to come in terms with the fact that each one of us have our own definition of life and happiness. Whatever may be our actions neither should we justify it nor judge others because we do it in our pursuit of happiness. Its like the cup of tea having sugar cubes right in the bottom and what we need to do is just stir it:-)


shwetha said...

nice post shil....i wonder where u get time for blogging though....:)

P said...

well shil,
I don't know what u think about life, But what i should really appreciate is the way you presented the different phases of life. As you said there is no gyan attached to it, these are the phases every human being goes thru. some ppl seriously think about that and others may think "oh jus forget it". n thats life as u said..

Vivek Shetty said...

Very touchy. Good one.

Anil Masakal said...
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Unknown said...

Beautifully presented, especially the ending lines that summarizes the overall meaning of your blog.Just to end i believe "Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated"....... SIDHESH S.S